The tracker is the main and central element of our web application. Therefore, we will consider it before we get acquainted with other sections necessary for its operation, such as Customers, Projects and Tasks. After all, in order to track time, you need a task, for it you need a project, and for it, in turn, you need a customer. These chains are created for a reason, because they are simply necessary for receiving detailed reports. But you already have templates automatically created during registration, so there is no need to perform unnecessary actions. So, how to work with the tracker.

Start with the START TRACKING button
In the case when you need to start tracking the time of a new task, the easiest way is to use the "START TRACKING" button. When pressed, a dialog box will open, divided into three tabs.

RECENT TASKS - This tab will be useful when the task you need was tracked relatively recently. This does not mean by time, but by the order of launch.

EXISTING - Here you can select any existing task by customer and project.

NEW - If the task has not yet been created, then in this tab you can quickly create it in the most compressed form.

Listing and quick start options
Of course, this is not the only way to launch tracking. By default, the current week opens for you, where you can view the total time worked for the week/day, as well as a more detailed list of projects and tasks for a specific day.
Scroll by days - You can scroll forward or back one/several weeks using the side navigation arrows.

Left menu, in the tracker - If we see the necessary task in the selected day of the tracker, we can start time tracking directly from there. Also, if necessary, you can start/stop tracking of the current task directly from the left menu.

Finally, inside any task assigned to you, you can also start tracking, so to speak, without going far.

Detailed Information
There is also a "Detailed Information" tab, which will allow you to see a small weekly report on hours worked for the selected week.